Sunday, January 15, 2012

P90X Insanity Hybrid: Chest & Back / Abs

P90X's Chest & Back consist of push up and pull up workout. Because I don't have a door frame in my basement (I perform my workouts in the basement), I had to substitute the pull up bar with resistance bands. With the push up portion of chest and back, I admit it was a tough task. My body wasn't used to the stress on my arms. Furthermore, it took a lot for me to build up my upper body strength so that I could effectively do the push ups. As time progressed, my arms started to get used to the tension of doing push ups. I could do the standard push up, wide fly push ups, and military style push up. However, it was more so a challenge to do the "dive bomber" push up, decline push up and the diamond push up.

As for the pull up portion of chest and back, my take on that is rather neutral. Due to the fact that I am using resistance bands over the pull up bar, performing those workouts were easy. Yet, I didn't get too much of a burn out of using the resistance bands. Perhaps if I could anchor my pull up bar in my basement, it would definitely enhance the quality of doing pull ups. In addition to the pull ups and push ups, there were a couple of workouts called "heavy pants" and "lawnmowers", which required you to use weights. I definitely got a burn from doing those 2 workouts.

Stay tuned for more...

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